so... back in the otown. its been a pretty hectic week. we currently have 7 people living in our 5 bedroom house. we turned our "dining room" into another bedroom for the 6th person and boy roomie #1's little brother is living with us until "he finds a place". however he hinted that he's just going to hang around until roomie girl #3 moves out in january. its freaking crazy as hell. ugh.. plus roomie guy #1 is dating roomie girl #2.
clinical starts on monday in orthopaedic surgery. im an excited girl. however i did end up being one of the 20 people in my class to NOT get a pediatric placement which im pretty pissssssed off about. i might have to try and pull a few strings. we'll see what happens.
im taking an intro to spanish class as my elective this year. its awesome. the prof doesn't speak any english in class nor does my TA in the lab and workshop. i might die. it'll give me a bit of background if i want to go work in the states or in central america. ding.
so guess who's playing in montreal friday october 1st? Ba-zing!
i have 2 words for you.
road trip.
clinical starts on monday in orthopaedic surgery. im an excited girl. however i did end up being one of the 20 people in my class to NOT get a pediatric placement which im pretty pissssssed off about. i might have to try and pull a few strings. we'll see what happens.
im taking an intro to spanish class as my elective this year. its awesome. the prof doesn't speak any english in class nor does my TA in the lab and workshop. i might die. it'll give me a bit of background if i want to go work in the states or in central america. ding.
so guess who's playing in montreal friday october 1st? Ba-zing!
i have 2 words for you.
road trip.

Check out the new girl Aiden. Great Big Beautiful Boobies!!!
Can I be your Tour guide?