Before I get started, I'd just like to quickly point out that I just totally forgot about the two top stairs leading down here and while turning on the light, I missed them. I bailed on the landing (so graceful!) and thought I broke my ankle which would probably be the worst thing I could do right now since baseball season just started and I'm starting Wednesday night. Thankfully, everything is intact and I didn't hurt myself. Point of this story = I'm such a tool.
So hey, how was the weekend?
Mine was good. I left work early on Friday and went out and got drunk with a very good friend and my ex. It was so much fun. The pre-bar portion of the evening consisted of comments like "Hey Sue, how's that rash on your asshole? Has it cleared up yet?" (the three of us were in the bank and some girl came in and was waiting behind us) and "Hey Adam, isn't that the girl who gave you herpes?" "No, Sue. It was the clap" (this part was in Wendy's with about 6 people in line behind us and was said quite loudly). I thought I was going to die of laughter. Maybe you had to be there but I almost had to leave. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to escape being a target of embarassment. The bar was fun, we drank and danced our faces off. All in all it was a solid night.
Saturday... chilled with my sister, ordered wicked chinese food and watched movies.
Last night we had our first game and I was told before the game that I was starting and I haven't been to practice yet. This is mainly because a) I didn't move back from Ottawa until a week and a half ago and b) three days later I was living back in Toronto cause I started work last Monday and I refuse to commute. So anyway, I warmed up the old arm with dad, starting to get nervous about how ugly my pitching was and I didn't even play last night. Pitch #2 was having a good game so I got to scorekeep all night... sweet (riding the pine weeeoooo!). So I warmed up all those little strange muscles that I haven't used since last August for nothing and now I hurt like a mother fucker. All the muscles and tendons in my forearm, bicep, shoulder, neck, back, ribs and hip are in knots. Oh and I have an ear ache that's made it's way down into my jaw so that it hurts when I open it or chew or essentially do anything with my mouth.
Wah wah wah I know, I know, things could be a helluva lot worse. Right now I'm just a big whiner and need some massaging and cuddling from my honey. I'm experiencing withdrawl and I'm lonely in TO.
But I'm gonna have to wait 2 1/2 more weeks until I get my cuddles so I better suck it up and deal with it.
Blerg. Too much writing.
Useless tidbit for today: I think vegans are crazy. Seriously. I respect their conviction and discipline and I understand the health and animal rights arguements but honestly, have you ever tried a vegan chocolate cake? My roommate in Ott. is a vegan and her sister got her one for her birthday a couple weeks ago. It was BY FAR the worst thing I've ever tasted. Why anyone would give up chocolate for that... is beyond me. Crazy I tell you. Crazy.

So hey, how was the weekend?
Mine was good. I left work early on Friday and went out and got drunk with a very good friend and my ex. It was so much fun. The pre-bar portion of the evening consisted of comments like "Hey Sue, how's that rash on your asshole? Has it cleared up yet?" (the three of us were in the bank and some girl came in and was waiting behind us) and "Hey Adam, isn't that the girl who gave you herpes?" "No, Sue. It was the clap" (this part was in Wendy's with about 6 people in line behind us and was said quite loudly). I thought I was going to die of laughter. Maybe you had to be there but I almost had to leave. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to escape being a target of embarassment. The bar was fun, we drank and danced our faces off. All in all it was a solid night.
Saturday... chilled with my sister, ordered wicked chinese food and watched movies.
Last night we had our first game and I was told before the game that I was starting and I haven't been to practice yet. This is mainly because a) I didn't move back from Ottawa until a week and a half ago and b) three days later I was living back in Toronto cause I started work last Monday and I refuse to commute. So anyway, I warmed up the old arm with dad, starting to get nervous about how ugly my pitching was and I didn't even play last night. Pitch #2 was having a good game so I got to scorekeep all night... sweet (riding the pine weeeoooo!). So I warmed up all those little strange muscles that I haven't used since last August for nothing and now I hurt like a mother fucker. All the muscles and tendons in my forearm, bicep, shoulder, neck, back, ribs and hip are in knots. Oh and I have an ear ache that's made it's way down into my jaw so that it hurts when I open it or chew or essentially do anything with my mouth.
Wah wah wah I know, I know, things could be a helluva lot worse. Right now I'm just a big whiner and need some massaging and cuddling from my honey. I'm experiencing withdrawl and I'm lonely in TO.

Blerg. Too much writing.

Useless tidbit for today: I think vegans are crazy. Seriously. I respect their conviction and discipline and I understand the health and animal rights arguements but honestly, have you ever tried a vegan chocolate cake? My roommate in Ott. is a vegan and her sister got her one for her birthday a couple weeks ago. It was BY FAR the worst thing I've ever tasted. Why anyone would give up chocolate for that... is beyond me. Crazy I tell you. Crazy.
heheh I thought the meow game bit was funnier than the opener but the opener was still hilarious