Foaming At The Mouth
Sickness is all around me
Sunday night, after a week of cooling my heels out in the suburbs, Mom made lasagna for dinner as a thank-you for tending the house and dog. I snarfed down a double helping. Well, to make a long story short, I wound up with food poisoning. Or maybe it was a flu bug. All I know is that I spent most of Monday and a considerable part of Tuesday on the crapper, feeling like my ass was a World War II-era flamethrower. As I'm going to bed last night, the intestines were still a little gurgly and I felt genuinely wretched.
I tell you all that to tell you this. I had lunch with an old friend who I hadn't seen in about six years and in the course of catching up, I discovered he is yet another of my contemporaries who has suffered from neurological or digestive tract related ailments that no doctor could successfully deal with. Chronic fatigue, dizzy spells, inability to keep food down, all kinds of dreadful problems.
So has it come to this? Are all our bodies breaking down like Ford Pintos, prone to sudden catastrophic failure? It's not like the people I know, either from my travels out and about or from the online world, work in copper mines or the Mexican maquiladora district, somewhere with ammonia in the water table. Yet several people I know can tell stories of sleeping twenty hours a day and still being tired, eating all their meals through a straw because their bodies will not tolerate anything that isn't practically predigested, or breaking out in cold sweats for no good reason at all.
Or is it just me? Am I telling others of the modest ailments I've had over the last few years and they dramatize some problems they've had so I won't feel as though I'm the only one? Hard to say but if half the stuff I hear is true, the American health crisis is not at all exaggerated. And is this a new phenomenon? I have a strong suspicion these things have always been happening to people, but in previous generations they just chalked it up to aging or 'being sickly'. Now that we have reasonably advanced medical science, I guess people expect more from their doctors than a shrug of the shoulders and "We'll run some tests".
Now I throw it open to you. Tell me your medical ailments and I will tell you the proper cocktail or illegal drug to treat the symptoms of the problems that no one with a diploma can properly define.
Sickness is all around me
Sunday night, after a week of cooling my heels out in the suburbs, Mom made lasagna for dinner as a thank-you for tending the house and dog. I snarfed down a double helping. Well, to make a long story short, I wound up with food poisoning. Or maybe it was a flu bug. All I know is that I spent most of Monday and a considerable part of Tuesday on the crapper, feeling like my ass was a World War II-era flamethrower. As I'm going to bed last night, the intestines were still a little gurgly and I felt genuinely wretched.
I tell you all that to tell you this. I had lunch with an old friend who I hadn't seen in about six years and in the course of catching up, I discovered he is yet another of my contemporaries who has suffered from neurological or digestive tract related ailments that no doctor could successfully deal with. Chronic fatigue, dizzy spells, inability to keep food down, all kinds of dreadful problems.
So has it come to this? Are all our bodies breaking down like Ford Pintos, prone to sudden catastrophic failure? It's not like the people I know, either from my travels out and about or from the online world, work in copper mines or the Mexican maquiladora district, somewhere with ammonia in the water table. Yet several people I know can tell stories of sleeping twenty hours a day and still being tired, eating all their meals through a straw because their bodies will not tolerate anything that isn't practically predigested, or breaking out in cold sweats for no good reason at all.
Or is it just me? Am I telling others of the modest ailments I've had over the last few years and they dramatize some problems they've had so I won't feel as though I'm the only one? Hard to say but if half the stuff I hear is true, the American health crisis is not at all exaggerated. And is this a new phenomenon? I have a strong suspicion these things have always been happening to people, but in previous generations they just chalked it up to aging or 'being sickly'. Now that we have reasonably advanced medical science, I guess people expect more from their doctors than a shrug of the shoulders and "We'll run some tests".
Now I throw it open to you. Tell me your medical ailments and I will tell you the proper cocktail or illegal drug to treat the symptoms of the problems that no one with a diploma can properly define.
Yeah, having the flu or food poisoning sucks. I usually never get sick, so a few years back when I ended up with food poisoning (still not positive if this was the case, might have been a flu bug), it was pure hell for a good day or two. I remember one night where I literally could not sleep because my stomach hurt so bad. I couldn't even keep a small amout of water down, it was horrible. Luckily I have a pretty decent immune system, so rarey do I get that sick. Coincidently, I think i'm might be coming down with a minor cold. Hopefully it doesn't develop into anything.