Hello! I'm sorry I'm quite out of SG those days because I'm so busy, I need a break, but I'm going to have that break soon!
On Saturday I reached 700 followers, that's more than I could ever imagine to get before my set goes up! That means a lot because you have decided to follow me even with a set, putting your trust in me <3 I feel so helped by you all, guys you are great! Now we are 792, and is not just a number, maybe in the other social network but not here.
You are not just followers, I'm knowing you, because I can read your blogs, we speak by messages and I enjoy knowing more and more about you, I never thought that I would feel so happy with the members of this community, Also I feel so supported by you all, and you make me feel motivated to shoot more sets, I'm so excited about it!.
As I said my set goes up in 2 months, but I promise that's not going to be the last one, I'm going to shoot two more in this summer and I'm planning another one, I feel motivated and thanks to you, nothing is going to stop me! Because I really enjoy that and you deserve the best of me :)
I specially want to thank all those who sent me a message supporting me because guys you can't imagine how it helps to me, I'm a very positive person, but sometimes I feel quite sad for life issues I have (as everyone) but I come here to SG and I read your messages, comments and love, and you make my day, thank you thank you thank you and thank you thousand times more!