for those of you who don't know, inhouse is being suspended but staying at school. i refuse to change my hair so they r keeping me ther til i do. ope, sry, i aint gonna *thumbs nose*
. thers me and this other kid that r in inhouse CUZ OF OUR HAIR!! this goofy geek:
he's cute, funny, and smart but he's shorter than me so nuthin's gonna happen ther. i kno ur prolly rollin ur eyes but thats a big deal for me. but anyway... we cant hav "unusual" hair at school. we are the only school in the county that is that way but OH NO we cant change that rule for 2 KIDS!! i'm takin it to the fuckin school board... this bullshit has to end. people have been wanting to stand out for a long time but otsego high prevents and FUCK YOU ALL!! MY VOICE WILL BE HEARD!!
now for a bit of scary shit... do not keep reading this if you can't handle a little bit of a spook:
THAT'S ME!! that was me 5 years ago!! scary shit aint it
that *point to above picture* is MUCH better
i found this pic:
it was taken with a disposable camera and i thought it was neat so... ther it is.
what's the difference between and blonde and a walrus?
one is wet, has a mustache, and smells like fish, the other is... a walrus
~ ther's a family on the amazing race that is black and their last name is black
~ ther are also hott italians on the amazing race. i hav a thing for italians
~ i found out that my natural hair color is strawberry blonde
~ ther are two guys that confessed their love for me today
~ i didnt realized so many people in my school liked me (in a friendly way) til i was sent to inhouse and everyone wants to help me shut down the damn rule
~ the song about the moose:
Da-Moose, Da-Moo-oose, swimming in the wata, eating his suppa, wher did he go? he fell asleep, he fell asleep, he fell asleep.
Da-Moose, Da-Moo-oose, floating on the wata, not eating his suppa, wher did he go? he decomposed, he decomposed, he decomposed.
~ i would update alot more but thers alot of pics on my pc and i'm using my mom's and im gonna upload all my files to a server cuz im selling my pc so i'll make a huge photo update soon... including pics of my new and improved room

for those of you who don't know, inhouse is being suspended but staying at school. i refuse to change my hair so they r keeping me ther til i do. ope, sry, i aint gonna *thumbs nose*

he's cute, funny, and smart but he's shorter than me so nuthin's gonna happen ther. i kno ur prolly rollin ur eyes but thats a big deal for me. but anyway... we cant hav "unusual" hair at school. we are the only school in the county that is that way but OH NO we cant change that rule for 2 KIDS!! i'm takin it to the fuckin school board... this bullshit has to end. people have been wanting to stand out for a long time but otsego high prevents and FUCK YOU ALL!! MY VOICE WILL BE HEARD!!

now for a bit of scary shit... do not keep reading this if you can't handle a little bit of a spook:

THAT'S ME!! that was me 5 years ago!! scary shit aint it

that *point to above picture* is MUCH better

i found this pic:

it was taken with a disposable camera and i thought it was neat so... ther it is.
what's the difference between and blonde and a walrus?
one is wet, has a mustache, and smells like fish, the other is... a walrus

~ ther's a family on the amazing race that is black and their last name is black

~ ther are also hott italians on the amazing race. i hav a thing for italians

~ i found out that my natural hair color is strawberry blonde
~ ther are two guys that confessed their love for me today
~ i didnt realized so many people in my school liked me (in a friendly way) til i was sent to inhouse and everyone wants to help me shut down the damn rule
~ the song about the moose:
Da-Moose, Da-Moo-oose, swimming in the wata, eating his suppa, wher did he go? he fell asleep, he fell asleep, he fell asleep.
Da-Moose, Da-Moo-oose, floating on the wata, not eating his suppa, wher did he go? he decomposed, he decomposed, he decomposed.
~ i would update alot more but thers alot of pics on my pc and i'm using my mom's and im gonna upload all my files to a server cuz im selling my pc so i'll make a huge photo update soon... including pics of my new and improved room

They put you inhouse cause of your hair?
Sometimes the states are stranger than fiction... somebody should welcome them to the 21st century 

yeah but the name is crap. ours was called ocs.