went swimming today, very refreshing. and i hav a test for all of u peeps out ther, please take it and send it to my email at joemamma5115@hotmail.com
. say ur walkin through the woods, describe wut u c, how u feel and any other detail u feel important. then you come to a river, tell wut u feel and wut u c and wut u do. then u come to a well, tell me wut u c wut u feel and wut u do. then u come to a house, wher is it, how does it look, and wut u do. then u come to a wall, tell me wut u c, how u feel, and ther is also a whole in wall, look through it and tell me wut u c
. its so i can learn wuts in ur brain

I walk into the woods and get killed by an invisible bear.