went to marti's farewell/graduation party yesterday then went to dinner. i didnt cry when we hugged goodbye but i did when i got home frown. u kno how cukoos kick other bird eggs out of a next to lay their own to b raised by the other bird... i think im the cukoo surreal. no one else in my family has naturally red hair and...
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PS: When do we get to see your kitty, Decoy? tongue
How was the thunderstorm for you? eeek
every single one of my friends likes my hair and wants me to do theirs... i c a business in my future eeek . well im also gonna start makin dolls... did it before and i like doin it so im gonna do it again, maybe for money... double eeek . went to the lakeshore today. oodles of fun. waters fuckin freezin :chatter chatter: and the lighthouse...
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That would be cool if you could cut your friends hair.
What kind of dolls do you make?
Are there any starfish on the lakeshore? surreal
well i cut my own hair last night biggrin . i looked in the mirror when i couldnt sleep and i said, "this look has got to go surreal !" so i cut and it looks pretty damn good. kinda looks like the beatles circe when they first came out, real cute like kiss . well im dying red also, i will post before and after. I'M SO...
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Just wanted to say nice job with cutting your own hair, it looks good, and I wish I could cut my own hair. Later Chica wink
i went bowling today and had me some f-u-n fun biggrin . family's havin a cookout tomorrow whatever .
There, I knew you'd find something to do. smile
Bowling's fun....I haven't gone in a long time.
well im not very sick anymore and it turns out that my thumb is just sprained, but i need a job, money, and uh.... a... life frown . HELP!! skull
*meow* miao!!

I hope things get better. smile

What were you doing with that thumb? eeek
You can always send me text messages through my Livejournal profile if you get bored. biggrin ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa

Does hanging out with dirty old men count as a life? Probably not. blush frown
im so fuckin sick. i hate this. i get a cold and my system is destroyed. at least im not puking... puke ... yet frown . i feel i hav been deserted. no comments from any of my friends. is the truth that horrible confused .
I'm so sorry. frown It must be this overcast and all that. blackeyed

Buck up and get better! biggrin ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa
i cant take it anymore... i hav to admit who i really am. im doing spring cleaning and this is time to confess... im not the person in my profile... im changing it cuz im not even in college yet.... im in high school. im not a bartender but i will be... wuts in my old profile is who i will be in a few...
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Meow? ooo aaa

Do you really have a cat named "decoy"? confused
Are you going to post pics of Decoy? love miao!! love
I BROKE MY THUMB!!! blackeyed i cant remember the place we were at cuz i was so wasted but ther was a big inflateable tube wher u hook bungy cords on ur back and run as fast as u can and as far as u can before it flips u backwards. i flipped so hard that i hit my head really hard and broke my thumb!...
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Bungy cord tube wow that sounds super cool!!! biggrin
Shitty deal with the thumb...hope that it feels better soon.
i like comments SO START COMMENTING ON MY SHIT ALRIGHT?! anyway... my hair is at that akward point between my ears and shoulders but its almost to my shoulders. my hair grows really fast love . stayed home sick today puke . COMMENT MY POEMS FUCKERS!
i'm gonna be goin to my wonderful and eccentric hairstylist soon and u should check out Myra's first photoset to c the kind of cut i want while my hair is growin out skull . also i am goin to a piercing parlor this month to add to my collection.... SWEET! yes deep down i am still american ARRR!!! .