I GOT A NEW CAMERA !!! its a konica minolta dimage z10... got it for 199 from meijer. im so friggen happy... im doing a little dance style. im currently downloading a music mix to get people boppin and groovin in my car so far i hav...
Spiderbait-Black Betty
Blue Man Group-I Feel Love Rednex-Cotten Eyed Joe
The Hey Song
i hav decided that i am going to start a commune. it's going to be on a man made island. a big floating chunk of metal covered in sand so it doesn't seem so artificial. i am going to take my cousin and his girlfriend, my lover, whoever it is when i make this so called commune, my wives sam, erin, marlena, alex, jen, martyna-... Read More
im burned, no i take that back, im fried like chicken . and thers sumthing on my glasses, pardon me while i get that.... all better. my eyelids r even burnt AND THEY FUCKIN HURT . i had fun today though, my cousin, his girlfriend, and her sister came out today. we went swimming and her little sister really took to me... she thinks im... Read More
well i decided not to go to my dads. he was disapointed but oh well. i miss marti, i was reminded of her when i started downloading the soundtrack to 10 things i hate about you... one of her fave cds . sigh...
did anybody miss me ? i went to my daddy's for a few days and had some fun. im goin back on sunday though cuz he's gettin married on monday . aint that just so cute. i'm getting along with my 2 b step mom a bit better and my 2 b step brother #1 already likes me. i dont kno 2 b step brother... Read More
well yesterday was fun. i woke up around one, woulda slept later if mom would hav let me . but i woke up, i parked my ass at my pc for a few hours then said hey mom, let's go to kalmazoo... so we did. we hopped in the car and im like we hav to go to the library so im like ok. the... Read More
meet betty... she is my new pet hippo... check her out in my pics im in love with a squishy grey hippo . well i had to mow the lawn today which was o so fun . then i went swimming . i like water and smilies .
today was bookclub and it was NEAT!! dont hav the next book decided and i didnt read the last one but its fun to go and goof off. we watched joy luck club which was meant to make us cry but we laughed through the whole thing . one of the producers names is wayne wang! WAYNE WANG !! isnt that just nifty (just for... Read More
Glad to hear that someone had been having nice weather. It just stopped raining here yesterday. Other then that it's been rain off and on for the last month.
Wayne Wang...hahaha....that's great, I sometimes wonder why parents give their kids the names they do.
went swimming today, very refreshing. and i hav a test for all of u peeps out ther, please take it and send it to my email at joemamma5115@hotmail.com . say ur walkin through the woods, describe wut u c, how u feel and any other detail u feel important. then you come to a river, tell wut u feel and wut u c and wut... Read More