If you fancy yourself not creepy, I'm near the gigantic red superego project in Gigsville. Ask around for Normal. People will probably be able to show you where I am.
If you fancy yourself not creepy, I'm near the gigantic red superego project in Gigsville. Ask around for Normal. People will probably be able to show you where I am.
I got my waitress costumes on thursday:
<img src="http://ant-life.com/albums/Norma-L-goes-to-Burning-Man/CIMG0804.jpg">
It's all torrential downpour and lightening out here in Albuquerque and I don't want to do ANYTHING. I'm so unmotivated and distressed. I have no real good projects right now. All the articles I'm working on suck balls. My radio station doesn't need me anymore and I couldn't even DJ if they did need me because I... Read More
Where do you want to go with your life? I mean, like, how would you like to spend your time?
I'm kind of wondering these questions now. I don't want to do anything. I don't know *what* to do... the only jobs that sound remotely fun are post office and trucking jobs, but they don't provide enough $$ to support me in the manner to... Read More
woo! nofiradio is my friend. and I like him. we're radio people.
I'm in Albuquerque now, hanging around kick-starting my capitalist masterplan...
And while I'm here, amazement of amazement, I was looking through the local newspaper and HOLY FUCKING SHIT, there's a call for extras in a no-budget post-apocolyptic zombie movie!!!! I called the guy, and he said to come on out. It's an all-day... Read More
so, i came by your journal thinking to myself that we've had a few words back and forth the last few days...maybe i should just request her friendship. and then i saw the lyrics to WAR's "why can't we be friends?" (sorry, i refuse to acknowledge the smashmouth version.) so, i took that as a sign. and i don't believe in signs.
Oh, and I put more photos up. I think Wa and I are going to start shooting after Burning Man. Like, for serious. We're going to try to get a shoot with Christian's robots: http://www.christianristow.com That's 'hot' with a capital 'H". awww yeah.
Listenin' to Lou Reed and tryin' to figure out how I can both write an article and leave for New Mexico at the same time. There's gotta be a way... any ideas?
now, as your attorney, i would advise you to get yourself a tape recorder, get in the car, turn lou reed's Transformer on full blast and drive fast toward arizona. begin talking into the tape recorder. you should be in new mexico sometime tomorrow. and the article should write itself. good luck.