So I am finally doing in this journal what it is probably intended for. I'm angry, and it's late, and I have no one to talk to. So I am going to rant in here...
I had just a bad day at work today, and I was SO EXCITED to get out of there & go to this "party" that a friend's friend was having... but I had to stay late at work & I was just in a horrid mood. So then I come home in a mad rush, to find out that my roommate would not be joining me... nor would Jason... nor would Bill. Therefore, I would not be going. Because they were who I was going with. So after much debate, I finally decided to just go to Jason's house. We'd drink, watch a movie, relax, have fun. (With some "fun" also...) Did that happen? NO!!! I drank, got a little drunk... he drank none. We watched about half or more of a movie, then decided we were sleepy. Went upstairs & I was hoping for a little "fun" and, nope, didn't happen. Granted, I probably passed out... But then I wake up to find him leaving the room. He said I was snoring & he was leaving to go sleep on the couch. I instantly snapped out of it, realizing this is like the 4th time this has happened... and I don't really like that a whole lot. I mean, how I see it is if you can't sleep in bed w/me, then I shouldn't be here. So I gathered my shit & I left. I cried the entire time home, b/c It hurt so bad. My whole day was just shit... and I thought it had gotten at least a little better there in the end. But once again, I was wrong. So, now I am all upset. I want to be at Jason's, laying with him... not have him sleeping on the couch. So, I will sleep alone, here. Which is not a big deal, I can live with that. But I'm so upset about the couch thing. And I will probably be sitting here crying for the next I don't-know-how-long. And I will probably read this later & regret writing it... but oh well. That's what this is for, right? I'm expressing myself... my feelings... my emotions. So I have a little alcohol in me, no big deal. That just makes it hurt even worse. Goodnight all... hope you have had a better day & night than I.........
I had just a bad day at work today, and I was SO EXCITED to get out of there & go to this "party" that a friend's friend was having... but I had to stay late at work & I was just in a horrid mood. So then I come home in a mad rush, to find out that my roommate would not be joining me... nor would Jason... nor would Bill. Therefore, I would not be going. Because they were who I was going with. So after much debate, I finally decided to just go to Jason's house. We'd drink, watch a movie, relax, have fun. (With some "fun" also...) Did that happen? NO!!! I drank, got a little drunk... he drank none. We watched about half or more of a movie, then decided we were sleepy. Went upstairs & I was hoping for a little "fun" and, nope, didn't happen. Granted, I probably passed out... But then I wake up to find him leaving the room. He said I was snoring & he was leaving to go sleep on the couch. I instantly snapped out of it, realizing this is like the 4th time this has happened... and I don't really like that a whole lot. I mean, how I see it is if you can't sleep in bed w/me, then I shouldn't be here. So I gathered my shit & I left. I cried the entire time home, b/c It hurt so bad. My whole day was just shit... and I thought it had gotten at least a little better there in the end. But once again, I was wrong. So, now I am all upset. I want to be at Jason's, laying with him... not have him sleeping on the couch. So, I will sleep alone, here. Which is not a big deal, I can live with that. But I'm so upset about the couch thing. And I will probably be sitting here crying for the next I don't-know-how-long. And I will probably read this later & regret writing it... but oh well. That's what this is for, right? I'm expressing myself... my feelings... my emotions. So I have a little alcohol in me, no big deal. That just makes it hurt even worse. Goodnight all... hope you have had a better day & night than I.........

got the message about the email.. so I've resent the email to lindsey...tell her 'guavajones' is a good thing...
oh yeah... still up for wine and dinner party/get together on wed?