So I've been getting headaches like every single day. And not just, "hmmm, i have a headache"-headaches, no, they are BAD! So I think it's time to go get that checked out... but I have no insurance. Or money. But I just left work after 45 min of being there b/c it hurts so bad. And I get dizzy. And I can't focus... so yeah, I'm now searching for a cheap walk-in clinic.
hmmm... I had one of those headaches before... I didn't realize it, but I went two or three days without caffeine... so in order to cure my headache I took a nice tall glass of hot coffee and dumped all over my chest... My headache didn't go away, but I was too busy thinking about my scalded burnt body to worry about a headache...
that sucks. Meijer doesn't give you insurance? Have you not worked there long enough?