Kids, nothing seems to be going my way.
I slept in a bit this morning, and was half an hour late to work. People get away with this every fucking day, but when i do it, my boss causes a SCENE. After a tiring lecture, he sent me home. He never sends ANYONE home, and after all the things I have done for that god foresaken job, I am very, very pissed off.
To cool down, i got pretty and took a bunch of pictures.
camwhore time!
my sepia bra
and my favorite one
Tomorrow i will be looking at the site where i am shooting my set, i'm looking forward to it immensely. PhotoJoe and lovesome are bloody geniuses, so i know they will do me right.
Hopefully Saturday i will go to Gonzoe's moving out party, i would love to see all my SGFL partners.
Wish me luck everyone, i'm off to sleep because i'm looking for a new job in the morning.
Kids, nothing seems to be going my way.
I slept in a bit this morning, and was half an hour late to work. People get away with this every fucking day, but when i do it, my boss causes a SCENE. After a tiring lecture, he sent me home. He never sends ANYONE home, and after all the things I have done for that god foresaken job, I am very, very pissed off.
To cool down, i got pretty and took a bunch of pictures.
camwhore time!

my sepia bra

and my favorite one

Tomorrow i will be looking at the site where i am shooting my set, i'm looking forward to it immensely. PhotoJoe and lovesome are bloody geniuses, so i know they will do me right.
Hopefully Saturday i will go to Gonzoe's moving out party, i would love to see all my SGFL partners.
Wish me luck everyone, i'm off to sleep because i'm looking for a new job in the morning.

thanks! if i end up making it there i'll definitly make a big deal out of it and beg all my sg florida friends to come!

I am going to try to make it to the party on Saturday. I have this weekend off work, but since I don't drive (damn this narcolepsy) I wont be there until Nate gets off work (sometime after 10pm) hopefully I will see you there!