Recent realizations in the life of Maria have led me to take a break from my online internet psuedo-world.
I am Maria, not norma_fucking_jean, not any other damn name on all these god-foresaken communication whore-houses.
I need to focus on my work, my writing, my creativity, and this is stifling me from doing so.
I can't handle being omniscent about things people do, i can't handle people e-mailing, messaging, and iming me with banter that i'm sexy and they want to fuck or i'm stupid and they want me to die, and i can't handle the for-some-fucking-reason feeling of going on all these websites all the fucking time.
Nothing personal to any of you that know me personally, but if we are friends you know how to reach me. I'm not leaving, i'm just going to focus on my real life.
I'm taking a break, and i'm taking it offline.
I am Maria, not norma_fucking_jean, not any other damn name on all these god-foresaken communication whore-houses.
I need to focus on my work, my writing, my creativity, and this is stifling me from doing so.
I can't handle being omniscent about things people do, i can't handle people e-mailing, messaging, and iming me with banter that i'm sexy and they want to fuck or i'm stupid and they want me to die, and i can't handle the for-some-fucking-reason feeling of going on all these websites all the fucking time.
Nothing personal to any of you that know me personally, but if we are friends you know how to reach me. I'm not leaving, i'm just going to focus on my real life.
I'm taking a break, and i'm taking it offline.
everything is well, modem just came back on today