current mood : indifferent with a twinge of elation
current music : cut copy - bright like neon love
current book : house of leaves - mark danielewski &
the ap stylebook - hell
i want to thank PunkNiteMike for my old skool SG swag.

thank you. <3
everything this week has been completely random and unorganized.
i spent nearly 40 hours in the newsroom as well as school and work, so lets say i'm a tired worker bee. it all pays off in the end though, i just need to remind myself of that.
what would a week of my life be without something totally unnecessary happening? it would'nt be anything, because that never happens.
my freakin' car got TOWED FROM MY OWN APT. COMPLEX. awesome. i walk out 5 minutes late to work already and don't see my car in the parking lot. i totally flipped. i called so many #'s screaming and cussing... definitely not the right way to get any answers. long story short my car got towed and i had to pay $150 to get it back. there goes my tattoo savings. le sigh.
i want to de-virginize my skin asap. i'm in the works of planning to go visit EmilyEve and have her witness the bloody mess. oh and it will be glorious, my friend.
a recent discussion with a friend♥ has made me decide to start drawing and painting again. usually i would start something, push it to the side, and never finish it. so i busted out the old portfolio and figured i'd finish an old portrait i started of my friend shawna.

i started this well over 2 years ago. my talent has progressed much so i don't know where to start. eh i'll figure it out, when it's finished i'll be sure to post it.
now, a question to end with.
which would you like better on my face, a medusa or a monroe?
.until next time.
thanks for the kind words/advice...he seems to be doing alright now, but the funeral is tomorrow, and i know were both gonna totally break down.
i, too, hope you find amazing love, darlin! everyone deserves it.