So I was thinking...I barely know any of the people on my list. I'm not sure who all reads my blogs but for those of you that do... I would like to get to know you better.
SO...tell me ten things about yourself, a secret, a life goal, a memory...whatever you would like.
I want to start getting to know the people I talk to on here.
I will post ten things of mine on here later when I have more time
SO...tell me ten things about yourself, a secret, a life goal, a memory...whatever you would like.
I want to start getting to know the people I talk to on here.
I will post ten things of mine on here later when I have more time
1. I've worked medical/clerical for over twenty years.
2. I am an obsessive puzzle solver.
3. I'm happily married with two children.
4. I review movies (especially horror/fantasy) for two print magazines.
5. I'm a stage actor who's done four productions over the past two years and am embarking on another.
6. I host a weekly "creature feature" show on cable and on-line.
7. My chosen human charity is Locks of Love--they get my hair whenever it gets twelve inches long.
8. My chosen animal charity is the Redwings Horse Sanctuary--I volunteer my time at the very least.
9. I'm a Sherlock Holmes nut.
10. I just may have the strangest sense of humor you've ever encountered.
Hey, I did it!
01 believe in karma
02 need to learn how to hold my tounge
03 enjoy a day's hard labor.
04 believe intellegence is relative.
05 have never done illegal drugs.
06 believe people are different, but no one is better.
07 believe people depend on God too much.
08 like the color brown.
09 hate golf but enjoy putt-putt.
10. dream in technicolor.