Hello everybody...it's a lot of time that i dont wrote in my blog.....
It was a reflections time for me....i've thinked: " what i can do in my future?" mumble mumble....
I've the answer now !!
I love nail art! So... I will do a course to make professional nails!!. I will start the 14/09/13 and i hope that this will be MY job for the future!! FINGER CROSSED !!
Some creations

It was a reflections time for me....i've thinked: " what i can do in my future?" mumble mumble....
I've the answer now !!

I love nail art! So... I will do a course to make professional nails!!. I will start the 14/09/13 and i hope that this will be MY job for the future!! FINGER CROSSED !!
Some creations

Ah wow!! Good luck with your project then! xxx