LAND OF THE DEAD IS FUCKING AWESOME!!! any romero fan will tell ya that.
maybe they will, anyway.
i saw it yesterday and tonight!!! it was better the 2nd time!!!
i thought the effects and gore were awesome. very hardcore for a rated r film. i think a lot of producers now argue and point to the mpaa giving the passion of the christ an 'r' you will let us do the same and give us an 'r'. can't wait for the unrated dvd though...i also believe that they released land now and not oct. because they want the halloween sales for the dvd...companies are actually making more money on dvds now so that comes into play with when they release films now.
the action scenes...and oh there were many...were typical romero i thought. romero knows how to use money and make his films look like they cost much more than the budget...this film was just 15 million...that is almost nothing when you look at the budget of most major productions...and 15 is LESS than what universal gave the DOTD remake.
all in all, while i don't think everyone will love land of the dead...i do believe that over time it will come to be a great installment in the 'dead' series. the hardcore romero fans are getting it...the gore hounds love it...and i believe typical horror fans will find it exciting's a romp folks!
i hope this is not the end. i think he has already said he would like to make more. he should, it is what he does best...keep the series going george!

i saw it yesterday and tonight!!! it was better the 2nd time!!!
i thought the effects and gore were awesome. very hardcore for a rated r film. i think a lot of producers now argue and point to the mpaa giving the passion of the christ an 'r' you will let us do the same and give us an 'r'. can't wait for the unrated dvd though...i also believe that they released land now and not oct. because they want the halloween sales for the dvd...companies are actually making more money on dvds now so that comes into play with when they release films now.
the action scenes...and oh there were many...were typical romero i thought. romero knows how to use money and make his films look like they cost much more than the budget...this film was just 15 million...that is almost nothing when you look at the budget of most major productions...and 15 is LESS than what universal gave the DOTD remake.
all in all, while i don't think everyone will love land of the dead...i do believe that over time it will come to be a great installment in the 'dead' series. the hardcore romero fans are getting it...the gore hounds love it...and i believe typical horror fans will find it exciting's a romp folks!

Glad you liked it but there wasnt much doubt about that anyway I dont think!

grrr...i still need to see it.