woo hoo!!! another day on my favorite porn site!!!
i mean how cool is suicide girls? i mean it's not expensive, you can interact with the models, create a really cool profile, make friends, and have this totally awesome journal!!! how many porn sites give you all this??? just one fucking porn site WWW.SUICIDEGIRLS.COM!!! fuck yeah! i just might change the little tab from 'i like it' to 'i love it'...how punk rock is that? so many amazing things in this world...sg just being one of them. niagra falls being another. the fact that our lame ass corrupt president can kill us and take our rights away with the patriot act and no one really does anything about it is yet another. thank the good lord above for the naked punk rock/goth/girls with tattoos of sg for a little escape from the horrid reality we all live. ahhh...what a porn site...i just love the escape and self expression right here! these are the little things about life that make it worth living.

why dont you ask her?
You rock for this journal entry! And I totallo agree - I love this place. xxxxx