so today is thursday...yep. sitting here in my apartment as usual. i'm about to watch STOKED: the rise and fall of gator...i have seen it many times. i like the music and the cool 80's skate footage. i was 13 in 1987 and gator was a hero of mine as a kid. i had the vision shirts and the gator shorts. vision street wear was so big in the late 80's i had like 10 pairs of those shoes...yeah those were the days. young, dumb and just a was so not cool to be a skateboarder punk kid in those days...we used to get chased by jocks and rednecks like every single night...i dunno what is worse the way it is now is kinda was fun being hated. these days everyone is pretty nice to one some ways i suppose. we need a new underground. what can we do to be different now??? any ideas? lemme know.

yep, if i get the part i actually get to talk. if you want a part send a headshot to go there for more info. as for my set, soon.... be patient!!

no be a grammar nazi on your own journal