so today is monday? hmmmm. i think i am suposed to remember something today. oh yes. all of those poor men and women who were fooled into dying for this sorry ass country. dead for dollars. but i guess it's better, if you have a loved one who died, to believe that they died for a real reason rather than the lies. i do feel bad for those of you who died for nothing...i am supposed to believe that you died for my rights and stuff...i don't think any war we have fought has really been a threat to my rights. 9-11 was the new pearl harbor...unlike pearl harbor i believe that the 9-11 cover up will be exposed. it's so in your face that you almost need to suspend disbelief to not see that 9-11 was a huge lie and fallacy. so it's up to you not to join we the sheeple of the united snakes of america.

well, looks like christian slater has been grabbing asses on the streets of nyc...i thought he was a bit older than 35. i guess that puts him at about 23 when they made true romance...and yes the chainsaw scene is one of my favorites from scarface.
haha how did I know you'd say that!