k, now i'm watching 'cherry 2000'...what a fine film this is. do you ever wonder sometimes how a certain movie is even given the chance to be born??? and not necessarily independent films...a lot of these strange things have come out of a hollywood studio...'highway to hell' comes to mind.

at least some people should be getting up to go to their 9 to 5...
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Well Id just watched creepshow again that day and I love the trilogy. I was just at the horror festival last month and they showed dawn as one of the classic movies and ken forre was there too so i think I had a kind of unfair advantage at having my Romero memory refreshed! skull I love your cat! So cute miao!!
Your go for horror trivia!
it's the middle of the night again and i am watching 'twin peaks: fire walk with me' AGAIN! i'm not sure why actually...could be i wasn't paying much attention to the ending last night...it has the longest ending i've ever seen...and this is a film that no matter how many times you watch you see new things and you really don't know what is coming...
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it's 3:36 am in pittsburgh...i'm watching 'twin peaks: fire walk with me' i watch movies if i am awake. skull

4:39 am - whoa, i have not seen this in a while. makes me kinda sad actually. reminds me of innocence lost. the movie is so in your face...the series was more subtle.

6:41 am - now i'm watching 'body double'...i love how melanie griffith says...
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so yeah, it's saturday...i'm watching my cats sleep and the movie suburbia. i'm super hungry too. slim pickins round here. wanna go to eat n park? oink