This morning I noticed just how much I have changed in the last couple years as far as school goes. It's a month into the semester and I have not missed class yet. While this may not seem like a great feat, it really is for me. Historically, I skip class way too much, it's been by far the greatest hinderance in my collegiate career. In fact only once have I ever attended every meeting of a goal is to make every meeting of every class this semester. Another thing that's changed is that I actually do my homework regularly this semester....I'm sitting here at just shy of 10:00am and I am wrapping up two hours of homework before I shuffle off for a twelve hour shift at work. How's that for dedication?! I already have the book read for my class on Tuesday (Passing by Nella Larsen, if you're wondering) and I am halfway through my reading for my early class on Monday. It's weird to think how differently I am approaching school these's even more weird to think where I would be now had I taken this attitude eight or nine years ago....
Tired of the same old bullshit crap of modern science, government and religion?
Then try philosophy.
Great win for the Pats yesterday.
There were SO many really tight games in the NFL yesterday.