As much as I want a second job I have decided that I don't want to overload myself by working 45-50 hours a week while taking 13 credits. I need extra money, but not so badly that I am willing to risk doing poorly in my classes. So, I talked to my boss at Papa John's and discussed the possibility of me working Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10amish until 11pmish each week. That would give me 30+ hours in only three days, I wouldn't have to work on days that I have class and I would have Sundays off to watch football, do homework and hang out with TiffanyJewel. Should work out well.....The other benefit from having Sundays off is that the museum is playing some amazing movies the rest of this year. I looked at their schedule and pretty much every movie is either something I own or something I want to own: The Godfather, Cool Hand Luke, Casablanca, Duck Soup, Annie Hall, Bridge over the River Kwai, La Dolce Vita, Frankenstein, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Singin' in the Rain, Enter the Dragon, The Third Man, and It's a Wonderful Life.....good stuff indeed.
My parents are in town right now. They're out at my brother's house. We're meeting for lunch in a little over an hour. They brought me a new dresser and an air conditioner. I'm not sure if I will take the dresser, but the AC unit will be in place sometime in the next day or two.
I tried to see what books I will need for fall semester. Bastards don't have it listed yet. I may need to pop over to campus and check the bookstore.
Tiffany and I are supposed to be heading down to Three Rivers this afternoon. I smell a trip to the bookstore. Maybe they will have Choke there, we're supposed to be reading it for the SGKalamazoo Book Club and I haven't picked up a copy of it yet. I still have 4 cases of books I need to get rid of, but those cases have already gone to that bookstore, I need to take them to the two or three others that are around here.
We went to Meijer last night for some late night after Steak'n'Shake shopping. I happened to run into a friend of mine that I had not seen in probably two or three years. He is working on his Master's in philosophy. There used to be a group of four or five of us who were all philosophy majors or minors and we would get together for coffee and argument on a regular basis back about five years ago. I miss those times.
My parents are in town right now. They're out at my brother's house. We're meeting for lunch in a little over an hour. They brought me a new dresser and an air conditioner. I'm not sure if I will take the dresser, but the AC unit will be in place sometime in the next day or two.
I tried to see what books I will need for fall semester. Bastards don't have it listed yet. I may need to pop over to campus and check the bookstore.
Tiffany and I are supposed to be heading down to Three Rivers this afternoon. I smell a trip to the bookstore. Maybe they will have Choke there, we're supposed to be reading it for the SGKalamazoo Book Club and I haven't picked up a copy of it yet. I still have 4 cases of books I need to get rid of, but those cases have already gone to that bookstore, I need to take them to the two or three others that are around here.
We went to Meijer last night for some late night after Steak'n'Shake shopping. I happened to run into a friend of mine that I had not seen in probably two or three years. He is working on his Master's in philosophy. There used to be a group of four or five of us who were all philosophy majors or minors and we would get together for coffee and argument on a regular basis back about five years ago. I miss those times.
HOw ironic is it that you see him one day then a couple days later I see him in that paper?
Seriously, don't kill yourself between work and school. Life is too damn short to spend all your time worrying about money, and all your money trying to make up time...