Yesterday I went and got a library card. I haven't had a library card in over ten years. For as much as I read that may sound surprising. But, you know what, I don't really like libraries.....they make you give the books back! I like to own my books, dammit. However, I had heard they have a great selection of movies at the library. I got a card and checked out Ikiru by Akira Kurasawa and The Magic Flute by Ingmar Bergman.
I've been intermittently watching Pete and Pete season two....I'm finishing up disc one right now. It's so fucking good. One of the reasons I love Pete and Pete is the amount of celebrity guests on the show.....Nona's dad is Iggy Pop, Ellen's dad is Steve Buscemi....Juliana Hatfield was a lunchlady in season one.....the episode I'm currently watching has Gordon Gano as a subsitute math teacher and Janeane Garofalo as another teacher....good stuff, eh.
I'm tired.
I've been intermittently watching Pete and Pete season two....I'm finishing up disc one right now. It's so fucking good. One of the reasons I love Pete and Pete is the amount of celebrity guests on the show.....Nona's dad is Iggy Pop, Ellen's dad is Steve Buscemi....Juliana Hatfield was a lunchlady in season one.....the episode I'm currently watching has Gordon Gano as a subsitute math teacher and Janeane Garofalo as another teacher....good stuff, eh.
I'm tired.
I should get a library card.