My gosh how long has it been? Too long, over a month at least. Feels like I've been running around like a chicken with its's head cut off. Once June hit it's been non stop GO GO GO!!! First it was my son's sixth birthday, yeah I'm a mom, just in case I haven't said that yet :P We hosted it at a local play place and it went off without a hitch. Oh I also dyed my hair orange and got dreads put in the back of my mohawk. Finally! It feels so AWESOME!
Last year I promised my son I would take him to Warped Tour. We weren't sure if it was going to happen because my partner was given a six month to a year expiration date in January. Yeah, the cancer is back and it's worse, and he refuses to do chemo and radiation. He's been there, done that, I don't blame him. Any way, Warped had a double meaning for us, it being my son's first and possibly my partners last. We all had a blast. We also took our big squatch friend, it was his first concert too :)
Fourth of July was a bust. Lots of drama. I've been recovering ever since, I was going to have to move anyway but now it's on fast track. Fixing up the trailer at my parents and packing all my shit away. Have to find another job or start school ASAP. And start working on and getting all my projects inline so hopefully wont need a job! haha hopefully. On the plus side I started this exercise class called pound, it's kind of like Zumba but more rhythm because they use weighted drumsticks. I was dripping sweat after the last one. I also went to a clothing exchange today and got rid of some stuff for different stuff lol I may have brought back more than I left but half of it is white stuff to tie dye :) and I only brought back one pair of shoes, leaving several.
*sigh* still have much to pack, I am definitely going to need a vacation when I finally get out of this house. Maybe down to Reno, or Vegas. Wonder if I can get a photoshoot scheduled just for the hell of it. I need a break damn it! I feel like I've had no time to process anything, luckily my son is down at summer camp for two weeks with my mom. Gives me time to get shit done and then I can take a break without feeling guilty.
Also I have forgotten how fast reds/oranges fade. I'm practically blonde again!