I'm not sure about this, I think it's the tone that's off. Hmmmmm... As always if you want to, feedback appreciated.

The Seven Dwarves
She props herself against the bed, midnight hair falling over her right eye, but she can still watch him pluck away at the keyboard from where she sits. The sheets lay at her feet and she reaches over the edge of...
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Honest, hard, loud, rock n roll music with punk rock roots; AC/DC meets Bad Religion. MONEYSHOT aspires to return to an era of rock music that actually rocks. Brutally catchy melodies, screamin in your face guitars, and a rock solid rhythm section combine to kick your ass, then beat you while youre down.
there are mp3's on the site.. go take a listen
For the past 24 hours, I've tried to come up with words that were worthy of a tribute to Dimebag, but I can't. It's just sorrow, not because I knew him, but because he was such a huge part of the Dallas life here. He preformed shows, supported the Improv, and even came up with the theme song for the Stars [hockey team] when they...
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Yes, that song is addictive... I sweat its telling me to do things. Like kidnap midgets and keep them as housepets!
Another day, another story. I can't find my camera anywhere and it seems this isn't just me. I think my friends and I have been attacked my gnomes or some shit. Gnomes that steal cameras. Those bastards will die when I find a sharp pen to jab through their larnyx. Or I can forgive them if they bring back the camera in the next 48...
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I need to get a picture, because right now I have no face.

Nothing happens in this world that makes sense. Slowly the mental stability is dwindling like it always does this time of year, but still I can write, so I'm not dead. I probably should continue this much more, but not tonight. I'm dragging. Feedback is always appreciated, if you happen to read....
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I was originally going to submit this as a news article, but I couldn't figure out if it was politics or culture, so I'm just going to post it here and if one of the editors reads it and would like to use it, then yay for me.

How disgusting are we as a society when a tragic event of terrorist activity in a country...
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I don't know how many people actually have read this, but if you do please feel free to provide feedback on any of the stories I post and you happen across.

I'm slowly falling in love with 16 Horsepower [folk rock band], the singer has the same strength of story as Will Christopher Baer [an influence the writer admits] and vocal power as Tom Waits...
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biggrin XOXO
Night Thank you.
The main reason for me to be here is to write. I'm not a photographer so I won't be posting photos and I'm not just running around staring at all the women, although it's a nice bonus. Kinda my ambition to write all over the place and I plan on taking on the news here as well as updating whenever I get published somewhere else....
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Thanks for the newswire stories. I ran the one on the Ukrainian election but we had one yesterday about the marijuana case so I didn't use that one. Just wanted to let you know.