Wintersun! Time I! Such an amazing album. Recently returned home from a Eluveitie, Wintersun, and Varg concert, with Eluveitie headlining, and to say the least it was comparable to the Devin Townsend concerts I've attended. Wintersun clearly stole the show, Not only did we request an encore, but they played at least 2 other songs, and through the show played their entire Time I album....
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What makes a person negative? I mean is it an opinion on a person, or is a person actually just negative, and depressing to be around? Is it both? I'm wondering because after trying to reconcile a friendship in the middle of summer. Of course we used to get a long swimmingly until we argued, and she wanted me to temper my blunt behaviour. Leading...
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Feeling inspired to write music lately, wish I could play drums, or figure out the drum programs on the recording program I have, but I can't. So too bad. So it leads me to more shameless promotion of my music through blog post. Yay! Also wish I had the balls to record my vocals, and wish I could sing in key, but I can't! Damn...
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I'm going to completely and conspicuously hope to support my music by posting this blog with a song I wrote back in February titled "Vector" leave your thoughts. If you feel so inclined.
I find it annoying when people describe bullies as generally stupid people, or those who insult another for being different. That's a false accusation. Granted some bullies can be pretty stupid, but what you must understand is majority of the human race is xenophobic and ignorant. If you don't reach their standards you're going to be treated unfairly. It's unfortunate, but it happens. Consider that...
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So I hit the big 20 today and decided to post about it on the phone. Drove down with my father to Red Deer to stay the night at an old friend's house, where she baked me this delicious cake. We listened to a lot of metal, Lindsey Stirling, talked so much about music and Devin Townsend. It was great. Did I mention the cake...
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Happy birthday! 

Thank you very much 

So I am finally home from fixing a garage door I broke and the Edmonton Expo. Yeah, won't go into how I broke a 10x12 foot door off it's hinges, but I did, and I spent a good amount of time at my farm placing those doors back into the cannon tubes they were placed in to slide from side to side in.
On the...
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On the...
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Yes this is probably a publicity stunt by Pornhub, yes this is hilarious(at least I think so). So for those who don't know, and for those who read my blog, Pornhub is doing a Save The Boobs Fundraiser. For every 30 videos watched under the big tit, small tit categories, Pornhub will donate 1 cent to Breast Cancer Awareness. Undoubtedly this will save lives, and...
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I'm so excited! I just can't hide it! I finally have my Devin Townsend Project Epicloud + Epiclouder pre-order. It came in about 3 weeks late considering the release date of the album was September 18th. I do however have my first ever vinyl, and it's honey mustard yellow, and I don't have a vinyl player. Minor setback! Lucky I have friends who have vinyl...
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Just a meaningless blog, but I've stumbled across the weird part of YouTube. Music is kind of cool, the music video, I have no idea what to think about it.
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Please, leave your thoughts.