I went and talked to my tattoo artist yesterday about the foot tattoo thing. Yay! I was thinking of getting it done right away here, while I'm still in my Birkenstock's for the summer, but he advised against that. Said it would ultimately make my summer vacation less enjoyable, etc. Recommended it get done in the fall instead. But you know how it is when you're excited about something...I want it now!
I was looking at a couple of groups here and applied for one. I see alot of them have little prerequisites, which I totally understand....but again, I want it now! I even applied to start a group, but it was quickly declined. The group idea was Random Sex With Strangers, because I seem to find a lot of this lately and would love to talk to some folks about it. The reason SG declined the group was because there's either "already a group on this topic", which I haven't found yet, or it was deemed inappropriate for the site. Hhhmmmm.....which I knew which reason it was as they're on different ends of the spectrum. So either I'm out to lunch with my offensive morals, or I just have to look harder to find you people discussing it...wonder which it'll turn out to be?
I was looking at a couple of groups here and applied for one. I see alot of them have little prerequisites, which I totally understand....but again, I want it now! I even applied to start a group, but it was quickly declined. The group idea was Random Sex With Strangers, because I seem to find a lot of this lately and would love to talk to some folks about it. The reason SG declined the group was because there's either "already a group on this topic", which I haven't found yet, or it was deemed inappropriate for the site. Hhhmmmm.....which I knew which reason it was as they're on different ends of the spectrum. So either I'm out to lunch with my offensive morals, or I just have to look harder to find you people discussing it...wonder which it'll turn out to be?
You do the exact same thing I did when I first got here. I commented on your journal, and you replied there giving things a nice, threaded history. In SGland, this is wrong. I comment on you, you comment on me, this is how conversations take place. Yes, I know, it is insane, but that's the way it works here. People don't check back on blogs they've commented on for replies.