well. i just got home from a movie. it's almost 1 am. i left my house with a car tonight...and i return without one. i was locked out of my car.......BUT I HAVE THE KEY. it just won't work. homogay? why yes, yes it is.
My important and seemingly never changing morning ritual involves a good fifteen minutes of panicked key searching (and my apartment is really quite small, so it's just nonsense) followed by a good five minutes of me asking myself "Why the hell don't I just remember to hang it at the door on the hook?"
My important and seemingly never changing morning ritual involves a good fifteen minutes of panicked key searching (and my apartment is really quite small, so it's just nonsense) followed by a good five minutes of me asking myself "Why the hell don't I just remember to hang it at the door on the hook?"
Keys good.
Mornings bad.
Was it a good movie?