To be transparent, I think any AI, in any iteration, is problematic. But here we are, in the midst of it. Few ever consider the long term effects of adopting a technology, and those who do often do so long after it’s too late for those considerations to have any impact.
Influence and impact, however, are often naught more than streams that become swift rivers, pushing and pulling everyone caught by the current in a singular direction. And when it comes to technology, the major trend that drives influence and impact is convenience.
As a developer, I constantly shout—often into the void—to never compromise security for the sake of convenience. As a coordinator or manager, I would shout—also into the void—that governance is everyone’s responsibility, that we should never compromise on our freedom, nor the effort it takes to maintain it, for the sake of convenience.
But alas, convenience wins big, every time. AI is proving that in a very big way. Despite all the dystopian novels, despite all the philosophical warnings, we are adopting this tech with wild abandon. The floodgates are open. The threshold has been crossed. The point of no return was long ago passed. Nothing will stop it.
So, coming back to the outcry against generative AI art, against generative AI anything, all the kicking and screaming against it will amount to nothing. People are using it to write articles, to draft concepts, to produce art, to build shit. And not only is it not slowing down, it’s progressing exponentially. Crying about it, at this point, is naught more but a pitiful attempt at holding onto a world that is fast receding.