I’ve been so lost in Tower of Fantasy I have completely left off all my other games for the moment. Early December, Resident Evil: Biohazard went on sale, and it was the whole fuckin’ kit and kaboodle—the main game, the Village expansion, and all the add-ons for it—and of course I bought the bundle because it was hella cheap and who was I to pass up on such a golden opportunity? So I download and start playing the game but it’s not like other RPGs where you have lots of mobility and can generally do shit, no, your character is slow and apparently pretty fucking stupid; still, I do the best I can to try to make my way through the game but damn do you have to be accurate with your shots or else you’re just wasting ammo and every fucking bullet counts and one guy chasing you down just won’t fucking die and he’s so goddamned incessant and if you don’t clear puzzles fast enough he comes up on you and you have to run run run but you’re so goddamned slow slow slow and—
*deep breath*
I got frustrated and took a break from the game with Tower of Fantasy. I keep thinking to myself I need to get back into Resident Evil because I paid money for the fucking thing. I’m just not motivated to it right now though.
I remember when Outer Worlds was first released. I was so excited to play it. I had preloaded it from Game Pass on Xbox and dove right into it as soon as the whole game was released and fully downloaded. Problem was, I was coming off of playing Borderlands 3, which, if you're familiar with the franchise, you know is one hell of a fast-paced game. Switching gears to Outer Worlds was like exiting an empty interstate and getting right on the 405 in Los Angeles during rush hour.
It was not a good time.
I parked Outer Worlds. It wasn’t until I was ready to step into that slow action mindset that I was ready to return to it. However, when I did get back into it, I enjoyed working my way through it. I had a similar experience with Fallout 4–my lady and I had been playing Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands fairly regularly, so it was a major mental shift to dive into Fallout. But once I recognized the transition was similar to Outer Worlds—same game studios, after all—it was easier for me to get into it. I will say though, I enjoyed Fallout 4 so much more than Outer Worlds.
Anyway, here’s a poster of the sexy @alerose from her stunning set Make Me Your Anime Girl: