Games so involving you can completing disappear into them. Isn’t that the dream? As technology moves forward, games appear to be ever more realistic. Narratives are created that draw you in and spit you out. It’s the thrill of a lifetime, but with unlimited saves and undo. Play it hard, play it stealthy, play it brutal, play it clean, and the only consequence is the time you lose taking a path forward that doesn’t work. Fail? Respawn. Unhappy with the outcome? Reload. It’s a never ending sequence of trial and error and all that’s asked of you is copious amounts of attention to keep playing.
Escapism keeps leveling up with each advancement in graphics card processing, increased bitrate, improved resolution, and the ever expanding sea of data storage.
Presence? Mindfulness? Emotional regulation? That shit is hard, and there is no 20 minute YouTube video that will break it all down to help you arrive at the goal quickly. Don’t wanna complete the mission if the path forward isn’t neatly laid out.
Much much easier to be distracted.
Anyway, here’s a poster of the beautiful @lulumei from her set Orange Crush: