I joined The Daily Logo design challenge today. 50 prompts in 50 days. I’m setting a goal of spending no more than 30 minutes each day to complete the prompt for the day. This includes sketching and design. One new logo every day, published to my art & design Twitter account regardless if it’s complete or not.
I can commit to developing my design skills for 30 minutes each day. When I learned to code, I jumped on the 100DaysOfCode challenge where I committed to working on coding for a minimum of one hour each day. Because I’m learning to hone my focus, and devote the greater share of my attention to my writing, I’m flipping the script on the time and setting a maximum time limit. 30 minutes ought to suffice.
Today’s prompt was “Rocketship Logo.” I set a timer for 30 minutes and sat down to sketch out ideas. I was content with the first that came to mind and dropped into Procreate, where I completed the work. The whole process took less than 20 minutes. Is it stellar? (Yes, pun is intended); I don’t know. I do know that I didn’t have time to fuck around with the tooling and had to settle on brushes and shapes that were Close Enough. It was a part of the process that I hadn’t considered until now: in order to be effective in as short amount of time, I’ll need to became intimately familiar with all the brushes and fonts at my disposable. This is exciting to me, because until now, I have only used the few brushes I came to like since purchasing Procreate. This challenge will push me out of my comfort zone, and I think that’s absolutely grand.
Here’s the logo, followed by the initial sketch:
For reference, the background is courtesy of guille pozzi on Unsplash, and the font is Faster One by Tipo, procured on 1001 Fonts.
I won’t be posting my designs here daily, though I may share my favorite pieces in the Design group.