It’s been a minute since I’ve written here. I was set on writing every single fucking day and managed to write for a handful of weeks before dropping off completely. Lots has happened since then. I entered into a relationship rather abruptly, but am super happy with my partner. She knows all about my account here and has no problem with it. She even encouraged me to keep writing here. However, life had other plans. The gym in which I was teaching group exercises shut down, leaving me to find another source of income. Ish. Rather than do that, I decided to double down on building my fitness business. Part of this includes booting up a Substack to chop it up about neuroanatomy and psychophysiology; you know, the WHY exercise is so damn important. I also spent time diving into AI art generation, began writing another novel, and signed up for a cybersecurity certification program, just for shits and giggles. I’ve amped up my heavy squat and deadlift weight, and suck even more at running now than I did at the beginning of the year. All in all, a lot’s happened and changed over the year and I’m rolling with it.
One key change is the redirection of my focus. For most of my life, I have vacillated between competing interests, always changing focus and booting up new projects before anything I started ever had a chance to return dividends. There’s just way too much cool shit out there! Still, this has failed to serve me, and as a grown ass man with a fuck ton of random skills and nothing to show for them, I’m turning my attention to one fucking thing and carry that out as far as it can possibly take me: writing.
Though I run a fitness business, a large part of my marketing has been running a weekly newsletter with a motivational blurb and body weight exercises—writing. With the advent of the Substack, I’ll be doing more, yes, writing—fitness myths won’t debunk themselves, and I’ll be writing all about how our bodies work in the hopes that this will bring greater awareness to the sheer amount of false advertising that proliferates in the wild. I have a novel I’m currently working on that I plan to self publish and an older Greek Mythology-based novel that I’ll be returning to. While the cybersecurity program is for fun and a potential backstop, who knows? Maybe I’ll one day work in the field and write about that too.
This is honestly terrifying, because it means I’ll be taking a massive step back from a number of endeavors I’ve enjoyed as leisure or for compensatory potential. It means I’ll putting the confidence I have in my writing skills to the ultimate test: making a living from them. We’ll see what happens. Wish me luck.