There was a moment where I considered reaching out to SG regarding their blogging tools. We can write, link, and quote, but we can’t manage multiple drafts and articles and post types and blah blah blah. But I changed my mind when I thought about why I’m doing this. In What’s On My Mind?, I said:
There is no theme here. There’s no agenda. There’s no outline. I want to get back in the habit of writing regularly, and I don’t want to have to think about it too much. I just want to sit down and write, and may the blank page, along with all judgements that are unleashed by any who deigns to read what goes onto it, be damned.
The concept in writing on this platform is simple: just ship sonething. And it works phenomenally well. You don't have the luxury of overthinking a piece to the extent where you save it and draft a new one; you only have the one draft at hand. There are no outline tools or anything else to help shape your draft. You have the one time to do the thing so either you do it or you don’t and I love that.
If I want to craft a piece, I can do so elsewhere and have it published for pay. That’s not here. Here is unbridled, raw bullshit and it’s published, present, and public. And that’s kinda fun.