I have innumerable projects going on, and as such, each week is structured to maximize the amount of time I spend on everything. Mondays and Tuesdays are for coding; Wednesdays are for writing new material; Thursdays are for reviewing, editing, or writing in stories that are finished but not yet ready to be published; Fridays are for focusing on a major project; and all evenings...
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Get well soon 😃
Thank you so much, @solostella @richsquared 🙏

I just watched Black Butterfly, and as the film progressed, I was filled with anxiety as I empathized with some of the characters and their plight, and carried concerns as to what they may be subject to at the hands of the antagonist. There was a moment where I didn’t like where the movie could have gone, and almost turned it off; this impulse made...
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Why hello SG, it’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I have brain wrapped around so many projects, I’m often surprised my body isn’t tied in a number of knots. I’ll chalk that up to staying on top of my workouts. Anywho …

Y’all like horror? Drama? Strange fuckery? I returned to writing a little over a year ago and now have three self-published short stories
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I’ve been surviving. ‘Nothing to report here, other than the insanity of the world around me, of which you are well aware.
@sorcerer333 hang tightly to that, my friend. Hopefully things take a turn for the better and you find yourself thriving.

My partner suggested we send the writers our therapy bill. Great idea. Because honestly, WTF?! I held high expectations for this season and it’s delivered, sure, but at what cost?! Haven’t Jinx, Vi, and Vander been through enough?! Haven’t I been through enough with them?!

(The sexy @blizzard from her set Toward Upper City)

But of course, my ass will be there Saturday binging
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@eminerale  my apologies, good sir, but you will do well to carry those concerns all the way up to the end 😭 Seriously though, that’s so cool you’re diving into Arcane. I still remember watching it for the first time and being absolutely dumbstruck at the end of the first season. It’s so good.
Well, at least I can prepare myself for some serious heartbreak. Your blog makes me both more and less keen to watch it. But I’m down for the journey. I’ll let you know how it goes.

I haven’t written here in who knows how long. I dropped in now because I had a million things to say about what transpired this week, and now I don’t really know what to write because very little of what I thought matters.

I honestly believed theUS was filled with better people. I honestly believed the radical right and Christian fundamentalists were the minority. I...
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I'm often reminded of one of my favourite quotes from "Men in Black: "A person is smart; people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it." It's because of a long list of shit like this that I have no faith in humanity as a whole anymore.

I was tagged to share a little bit about myself. Here we go!

Occupation? Yoga Instructor, Personal Trainer, developer, writer, freelancer

Age? 42

Eye Color? Hazel

Favorite Hobby? Gonna have to go with a few: gaming; piecing together shitty digital collages; generally fucking off

Dye your hair? Nay, I love my locks as they are

Tattoos? Currently just my
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@realwildangel 🙏
@thanatoz nice! What did you find in common?

Do you use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for your everyday life? If not, I highly recommend you do. Why, you ask? Simple:


Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) catalogs all the traffic running into and out of your devices. Home ISPs can effectively monitor traffic in your home network via your router. Wireless services will do so via your device directly. Everything can...
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I can't recommend this blog enough. 👏🏻👏🏻
@spectral_line many thanks! Let’s get everyone caring about and exercising good privacy practices. Fuck The Man! 🙌

Anyone drink coffee? I love coffee. I’m no connoisseur, but I enjoy it nevertheless. I usually just drink it hot and black. I’ll prepare a pot of coffee in the morning and drink it throughout the day. Problem is, as morning becomes the afternoon, the last few cups aren’t as delectable as the first few, as they've been sitting on the burner for so much...
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I’ve seen advertisements for MUD/WTR, but not for Ryze. I’ll have to look into that.
Black and fresh 😋☕☕

I started watching Archer all over again. I haven’t watched this show in years. I’d forgotten how, well, outrageous this show is. Half the time I’m laughing, half the time I’m cringing because I’m laughing, half the time I’m laughing because I’m cringing, half the time I’m confused because I apparently don’t know fractions. Y’all have any shows you enjoy that are outright questionable?

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I haven’t watched that show in an age. I lost interest during his comatose storyline. I like to think of myself of a man with ethics and a high moral standing, but my integrity can’t be all that great if I get a kick out of that show, am I right? 😅
@sorcerer333 I think the humor is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, but it gets fairly questionable for sure. I think if you aren’t concerned about why you find some of the off-color shit funny, that’s when you have reason to worry.

I need to sit down and work out a plan of operation for my writing shit. I’m publishing my short stories on Apple Books, offering free pdf downloads on my github, publish flash fiction on Medium, set up sponsor links, and now I have a Patreon. Which is all well and good, but holy balls it’s a lot to keep track of. I suppose this...
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@sorcerer333 yup, sounds similar. Have you thought about using music software? Native Instruments has a free version of their Kontakt 7 player, which serves as a host for virtual instruments. They have a whole community of people who create free instruments and plugins. You can run it all through Audacity, which is a free audio recording program. Et voila! You’ll have everything you need to get some accompaniment for your song. You can actually use your computer keyboard to control the virtual instrument. Not ideal, but it’s something!
That is something worth considering! I’ll have to check that out later today, hopefully after I’ve had some sleep. 😅 Thanks for the info!

This week, I watched Brand New Cherry Flavor and am just about finished watching the Fall of the House of Usher. This has been a bit of a treat for me, as left to my own devices, I generally don’t have the luxury to just sit and binge shows like this. Most of the work I do requires my undivided attention: coding and writing. But...
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@spectral_line ha! That’s perfect though! I did intend to convey small amount of creepy with it. Symbols are rife with meaning, and that pyramid is chock full of it. Thanks for taking a peek! Do you write, design, create in some way?  I’ve changed the writing club to a creative club so it’s open to any creative.
I have done some designs to promote sets on my other profile @the_jabberwock but purged them. I got more time to do more now so keep your eyes peeled @nonsensetwice

In true American political style, this post will probably be all over the place.

First up: Trump gets shot at.

Now, I love a good fuckin’ conspiracy theory. Most conspiracy nut jobs have it all figured out, making connections between things that to the average person would never go together, but hey, how were we all supposed to see that Monster Energy is really the...
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We Canadians aren’t much better. Our voter turnout for our last federal election was only 62.2%. If I had my way, I’d go the way of Australia and make voting compulsory. Our most recent polls indicate that those who don’t vote typically lean to the left in terms of their morals, ethics, and ideals, so I suppose it’s within the Conservative Party’s best interests to make voting unappealing to some. It bugs me when people say they aren’t political, especially when their current way of life depends on politics and, in our case, the survival of democracy. I’d also make an education in civics, history, and critical thinking mandatory for our voters, had I the power. I detest con artists, and I suspect an educated populace would stop them dead in their tracks.
@sorcerer333 Exactly. The whole “I don’t do politics” attitude is both lazy and cowardly. It’s exactly this kind of low effort that has brought us to where we are. As far as education is concerned, I’d add to that a healthy dose of physics—mathematics to augment the logical aspects of reasoning and critical thinking, and the problem solving aspect to teach application. I strongly believe that with this, we would have far less bizarre conspiracies; see less adherence to extreme ideologies; have a more diverse array of fully functional platforms, parties, and candidates; and be better equipped to take action when necessary. The only way fascism thrives is when intelligence is low, emotion runs high, and the people are disenfranchised. We have a long way to go.