i feel so exhausted right now. went swimming with pixxie yesterday and then we went out to hop louie's to join the rest of the sgla'ers in meeting/hanging out with freyja -- who was very cute and totally cool. then, we all went to go see voltaire dance. i almost got everyone lost in the process as i was trying to find an entrance to the 101 off of temple. i thought it was just sg melissa and jujubee following me, and then all of a sudden i was leading this train of like 5 cars! but we eventually got to the club where voltaire dances and then struggled to find parking. how typical-l.a. for the record, voltaire is amazingly beautiful, goddess-like. wow. pixxie and i just got to say hello to her before we left for home. (i had to get up for an early phone call today so we left before voltaire's last set.) today's been filled with so many meetings and stupid crap, i haven't had much time to do any real work. so i'm going to have to stay a bit longer.
s'ok, pixxie's at disneyland with jujubee today and they won't be home until much later. now, if i could just figure out what to do for dinner.....hmmmmm.

Here's my musical dream, btw. I don't want to be Mr Pop star or rock star or top of the charts. I wouldn't refuse it, mind you, but I'm a bit of a realist. What would be ideal is to be able to make something I enjoy and have enough of a following that I can live comfortably from the fruits of my musical labors. Just enough success, lol...
so nice to meet you guys, too.
y'all are a ton of fun.