thanks to trilobyte for nudging me to get out and about last nite. i had a great time hanging out and seeing everyone at the prince. man, was that place old school fancy or what? got to meet missy -- whoo hoo! and, yes, pixxie, i made sure to give her your "hello" all the way from sacto. she was totally nice, down-to-earth, and i even bought her a drink! and, i met some other people on the site last nite too, which was awesome. poopydave showed me his ny license picture -- him with a mullet! classy! all in all, a fun nite out. well, it's back to the grind. i can't wait for this week to be over: pixxie comes home on sunday, yay!
It was delightful meeting you. Yeah, the SGLA crew definitely knows how to have a good time 

thanks for coming out, sometimes a weeknight diversion is mandatory...