Never mind
Ok, I totally stole this entry from Elara...I just thought it was brilliant.
Right now we're supposed to have read Go Tell it on the Mountain, but naturally not everyone has finished it, but we did actually talk a little bit about the last book that we never got to discuss because no one had finished it, and that was The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. Mostly we just sit around and gossip though.

No matter how close there is space between.

No matter how distant there is virtual closeness.

It is all things and it is one.

But even a part of everything can be lonely.
Hey, you came back!

I think it's probably due to anxieties I'm not silling to admit. Which isn't surprising, since I tend not to admit most things I feel.

As a brief update, if you're curious, I moved out of my parents' house into an apartment with my best friend, I'm starting to train to become a paralegal at work, and I am starting to get things in motion to go back to school in the fall. I guess anxieties abound, even if they are good ones.
Permanent employment of aliens, indeed!
I find I don't have much time for this anymore. Work is very demanding. This site is a luxury in a time sense. And I guess in a money sense too though it's not so much.

Time is the issue and time will tell.
Hey there. I was wondering what happened to you. I've been missing your comments.

It's been a good lesson for me. Learning that I can fail, or I can be different, and there are still going to be things out there for me. Even better things, because at least they're real.
Working like a dog. Quarter end. wink
It's the end of the quarter and I've got these sales things that have to happen and I don't have any time to write anything of interest here.

Big bucks...no life.
My friends love me no matter what. They are honest and will tell me things that I don't want to hear sometimes. They celebrate my successes and encourage me in the midst of failure. They express real joy to be in my company. They overlook my weaknesses without condescension. They admire my strengths without envy. They will give of what they have if I am in need. They will take what I give without shame. They allow me to take them for granted without taking offense. They allow me to praise them without false modesty. Their complements mean something as do their criticisms.

There will be damn few like this in your life. They are a treasure.

Your life will be a roller coaster. Fixing things on the downside typically involve an arduous climb that seems long regardless of how shallow the depression. Enjoyment seems short no matter how slow the descent.

Precious little comfort and just another way of saying "this too will pass."
I was going to write about the weekend but find i don't have enough time.

went to a bbq on labor day. i bet we were the only ones. biggrin
There already is a computer in the file room, because they file room is just my desk and some cabinets.

I haven't figured out how to have people check out files yet. No barcodes, that would be too much effort. But some kind of system that's easy for them, and then I can update it in the program.
Oh, and if these people are hesitant to move away from physical file cards, imagine how much it would take to get them to put the whole file in the computer. Impossible.
I was going to write about the weekend but find i don't have enough time.

went to a bbq on labor day. i bet we were the only ones. biggrin
New Orleans: the veneer of civilization has proven thin and fragile indeed. It is mind boggling. Not since 9/11 have I been so stunned by something happening here.
I don't kill things. And I happen to have three rats here I love very much. Rodents have too much personality to kill.
I should send you a print one day smile
and another:

The summer wind, came blowin in - from across the sea
It lingered there, so warm and fair - to walk with me
All summer long, we sang a song - and strolled on golden sand
Two sweethearts, and the summer wind

Like painted kites, those days and nights - went flyin by
The world was new, beneath a blue - umbrella sky...
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Another great love song:

You laugh, I smile
Mirrors in thought, these fortunes we can share
And where there is dark, there are ghosts
Who give me hope

Wanna keep hold of this for you
Wanna keep hold of this for you

White love, this love
this powerful, this pure
Behind our eyes
And when I trip, when I fall
It's just like velvet

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I did say that, but it was an after thought. Like I said.