We are all ultimately alone. Sartre posited that consciousness was evidence of the nothing present in being. We depend on friends and family to not feel alone but not feeling alone does not mean it is not so. It is part of what makes us interesting. It is part of what keeps us apart no matter how hard we try to be part.
Marriage is described as two becoming one but it is not so.
Some claim that they can connect during sex but they cannot.
Experience can be shared but the experiencing cannot be shared.
If this seems gloomy to you consider this: if we were not individuals (thereby isolated consciousness) there would be no you or me. I can experience you and you can experience me. We can each experience others and other things.
This would not be possible or the same if we weren't alone.
Marriage is described as two becoming one but it is not so.
Some claim that they can connect during sex but they cannot.
Experience can be shared but the experiencing cannot be shared.
If this seems gloomy to you consider this: if we were not individuals (thereby isolated consciousness) there would be no you or me. I can experience you and you can experience me. We can each experience others and other things.
This would not be possible or the same if we weren't alone.

I'm not looking for that as any kind of relationship. Not at all. And no, it's not what I want like that. It's just something I feel like doing for a little while. Completely unrelated to relationships.

I just read your posting over again. I jumped to a conclusion that was unwarranted.