I'm going to expire sometime soon I think...I mean my subscription.

It has been fun and at times interesting.

Anna Lee you are very talented and I love your work. If you publish I'll certainly buy.

Venice; well you've come a long way...very cool.

Not much else to say.

C ya
We get so busy with the day to day. I know I do and don't come here as often. It is an odd thing to say but I think about some of my friends here fairly frequently. Not the sets...well not usually anyway.

How is the job hunt going? How did your finals go? Did you enjoy those beautiful days last week? I wonder about...
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The downstairs dog...my only picture on this site...is not doing so well. She's 15 with arthritic hips...she falls some and has trouble getting up. You cannot avoid it with pets or people...parents are 80's

Thing is there comes a time when it seems like there's an increasing amount of finality...i won't bore you with this.

One comment on VA Tech: I understand the gun control...
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I'm so sorry about downstairs dog. It's always unpleasant to watch a loved one go through such pain in old age. My dog is also slowly aging: back problems, trouble getting up stairs, running across the hardwood floors. That's why I believe that photos and video footage are so important for the future.

The song is beautiful, isn't it? I came across it on myspace and instantly fell in love. You may also like Fractions by Decoder Ring, (the video is also astounding in my opinion).
I am also guilty of the lacking internet/extra time, so no worries here.

The interview was horrible, but I somehow got the job...but I turned it down. To move to a city I abhore for only $17.50 an hour, which will barely get me anything which I require, (food, apartment, bill payments, beer, etc..)...it just wasn't going to work out. So I'm on the job search once again. I will take two part-time jobs if need be
I've started riding my bike to work and it's really cool.

I have a lot more energy for sure and am far more calm...haven't lost my type A edge though.

Anyway, it's kind of a new slant on the existential thing. Kind of like meditation on the way in and on the way home and it seems to make a difference in the quality of...
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Well what I should have written was, "good thing only a couple of people ever read this thing."

And then added, "and since it's the right two people it makes all the difference."

Thank you.
any time my friend...any time
Artificial happiness but that's still happiness right?!
Where the hell did that come from?

Good thing I'm usually talking to myself here.
I'm so sorry, friend. I know that's painful... I also feel bad that I was not here to infact read that entry. I was with the grands for a visit, (where I actually got stoned on the way there, and slept for three days straight due to stress). I do feel your pain, though.

p.s. what about bob was on the other day...I can't help but watch when it's on
I took my old dog to the vet today. She's 14. When I looked at her shaking while the vet checked her out I realized she will be gone soon. Like all living things in our lives eventually. Friends, parents, lovers, enemies...everyone and then us too. As we get older the permanent and final losses increase in frequency.

The downside of the human condition; everything...
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And then there's this from "What About Bob"

Ziggy: "What's the point? We're going to die. You're going to die. I'm going to die. We're all going to die. What could be worse than that?"

Bob: "Well, there's tourettes."
Well enough about luck, let's move on.

I haven't had a lot to say. I've been mostly about work of late and reading about that would be like watching grass grow.

I know I must find balance because the weight in my life is clearly work centric and needs to be distributed. It always distributes you know; you can do it for yourself or life...
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My life is hiding centric, need to change that too....
Sometimes the value of existence is brought home in a very big way: the message from the doctor was, "the biopsy was benign."

But let's not make too much of it either...it's good for sure but then it won't always be so. I can't go to that place where so many go: "i'm going to live evey moment, grab all the gusto, time is my...
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ya it does suck I hope you are doing alright and thank you very much I do feel better
I know planes, trains and automobiles far too well... make a safe and speedy return home

This may be the last post this year.

2006 was ok with me.

I hope it was good for you.

I hope next year is even better.

Ugh, sales. I went driving with my mother after work today and we went over to Lloyd Center to get a Thomas Guide for my car, not realizing it was the day after Christmas. I almost had a breakdown right in the middle of Barnes & Noble.
I love this Living in Clip cd. Thank you again! xox

Oh I have so many great photos of gardens I'm going to send you biggrin Go check them out!
Friends and favorites.

I wouldn't want friends to think they're not favorites because they are.

I wouldn't want favorites to not want to be friends; that would be nice.

Merry Christmas friends and favorites. I hope all is well with all of you and that the new year is your best year ever.
It's the holidays.

bah hum hmmm it does bug me sometimes.

the dysfunctional visits and the sometimes overdone best wishes that do not ring true

and the new year that is much as the last

cynical? not so much really.

Day to day life is pretty interesting to me. Holidays are hypedays to me. It isn't special on this or that date, it's pretty fucking...
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I would have to agree with the every day being special...my birthday felt the exact same as every day, despite the fact that I was alone in a country where all I can really say is hello and thank you very much. No big deal, though, I've come this far and I'm almost home free.

It's funny how people can send their 'best wishes' when they don't really mean it. It's so easy to read those sometimes, but I suppose that's what people do sometimes, (makes them feel like a good person or something to that effect).

So you want to teach Philosophy on the Mediterranean, eh? I suggest staying far from Napoli...that place scares me, but I would love to join in!
