heres what i do......

i sleep.....

i work about 70 hrs a week at a pizza place.....

i like robots.....

i like zombies......

i like robots fighting zombies......

i do not like myspace/facebook but have them.....

i write things.....

i listen to lots of records that i find at the thrift store.......

i eat lots of pizza cause its free......

i like cookies.....

i like...
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70 hours...no wonder you won't write for awhile.
Goodness, that's a lot per week.
3 words: Cthulu Ninja Zombie.
work=mad drama

i hate my job

i'm gonna battle net flix to the death for not getting me my movies on time

i <3 one of the fly ass baristas at open eye

and thats all i gotta say right now
But they provide the monies for all the coffee. wink
No worries mate i know what it's like to be mad busy. Did kinda worry that you'd moved onto other things though! Glad you like the video, he's willing to do more if you're up for it, one for each track that we do. I haven't had chance to finish that new track i told you about yet, been decorating my house all week, but as soon as i get a spare minute i'm on that shit!

Peace out homey, keep me posted.
im excited about getting my first movies from net flix today. and i dropped a hundred bones at the comic book store today.....
my apartment finally got a washer and drier!!!!! clean clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and im gonna finally clean my crib up!!!!!!!


smile skull smile
people call me strange simply cause i'm a stranger/

but i find it strange in how they find contentment in the nine to five laboring/

maybe its just me or maybe its built in their nature/

or maybe i'm just lost in a matrix of loose leaf papers/

i don't know, but i see things that most don't/

six AM, a bright yellow sphere rises...
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Dope lyrics. That's some evocative shit right there man, it'd make a real good track.

I have a suggestion actually, i made a new beat yesterday with you in mind. Tried to do something that would fit with your flow & came up with a kind of raw melancholy beat with a floating flute/piano sample over the top. Was thinking maybe a few verses about the no drinking thing, how it's made you feel, friends reactions, the return to clarity that sort of thing. The beat i did kinda fits that vibe i reckon. I'll finish it off in the next few days & send it.

In the meantime maybe you could go with the Busta Rhymes method: when he split from his original crew (think it was Leaders Of The New School) he had total writers block for like a year or something. Then one day he was listening to the radio & 8th Wonder by the Sugarhill Gang came on & the line "Woo-Haa got you all in check" just stuck in his brain & inspired him to write his first hit of the same name using that line as the hook. So, get listening to plenty hip hop & see if any lines jump out that mean something to you at this point in time. It worked for Busta!

Peace out, hope the lyrics start flowing again soon.
yo!! thanks for all the positive feedback on the "book". it's now gonna be a comic book series. my friend down the street is a bad ass artist and he's gonna help me out with the drawings and shit.


comic books+music+writing+friends+LOTS OF CAFFEINE+late night twelve hour shifts+a lil sleep every now and then=tuesday through forever.

it's a pretty easy schedule to stay on top...
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It's good to get it out of the crazy mind and down on paper or recording. biggrin
so. im gonna write a book. a short book. dealing with a young man in the future, working for shit pay at a pizza place in a city with crime and war lord mob bosses that control everything. him and his friends will be the only ones that go through this pre-mature apocalypse wearing their heart on their sleeves and not falling in to the...
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i have maybe 4 months til i am home but i go on leave in OCT
whats up man, keep writing... need closure!
this is gonna be a long one.........

so.....i have been sober for eight days now and feeling great. but i don't think i told anyone here why i stopped drinking. it wasn't really in my plans but it just kinda happened. see, last week i was up all night writing lyrics and trying to come up with new ideas for projects. thats when i...
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That was pretty sweet! biggrin
Nice one man, thanks for the props! Should i get my mate to do a movie clip mash up for a video for the track? I know he'd be mad keen to do it. Sorry to hear about your hospital ordeal, didn't realise you'd suffered so much for that track!

Nice one for getting it up on youtube though, let me know about the video & i'll get my mate right on it.

Fucing loving the happy kill death machine story by the way.
four days sober

scratch that.....

five days sober.......and drinking more coffee than ever!!

now six days strong......


eeek eeek eeek
yay! smile good for you, love.
three days sober and wanting a forty like a MFer!!
stay strong!
One more day and you can have a whole pint of chocolate ice cream.

It made sense for a sec, ok? wink
recording shit
my phone didn't even ring when you called tonight.
it just said i had a voicemail. frown
going to text you now.