FUCK FUCK FUCK! Tuition fees went out of my account today so i'm skint. Shit, i'll have to gogrovel to the bank, hardship fund, parents, friends etc or find soemone to black mail. Actually whay am I worrying, money is as solid as air, try holding onto it and it just melts, i'll just sit here and wait for some more to blow along on the breeze. That or go and stand on the street corner...
Found out today my best mate on my course was the press officer for the President of Bolivia about a year ago (I am not kidding, he's 32 and a journalist!)! Totally WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!
Found out today my best mate on my course was the press officer for the President of Bolivia about a year ago (I am not kidding, he's 32 and a journalist!)! Totally WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!
21 eh? The Ouija board says I'll be 20. I'm really excited. Hahahhaha.
Let's hang out!
my girl's one, she always in debt to her eyeballs
i'm workin in bristol this week!
any cool pubs , clubs?
nice skate parks?