I feel
a) Ill.
b) Tired.
c) Stupid.
I have
a) Eaten guilty food.
b) Worn a PVC skirt and loved it.
c) Aching legs from cycling
I will
a) Not be stupid.
b) Rejoin my old board.
c) Sleep now.
Still no better, and seeing as John Peel died today i'm not going to be any better. I can't emote anymore than reveryone has done but that man will have his own heaven because he IS God.

I feel
a) Ill.
b) Tired.
c) Stupid.
I have
a) Eaten guilty food.
b) Worn a PVC skirt and loved it.
c) Aching legs from cycling
I will
a) Not be stupid.
b) Rejoin my old board.
c) Sleep now.

Still no better, and seeing as John Peel died today i'm not going to be any better. I can't emote anymore than reveryone has done but that man will have his own heaven because he IS God.

Here's to John Peel, hope he is rocking them good and hard up in heavan