Life is inspiring at the moment, seeing October all weekend and Yann Arthus-Bertrand's 'Earth From The Air' photographic exhibition has made me feel all warm and makes me laugh randomly at pointless opportunities. I also start a new job on Wednesday, hopefully for a bit longer than all the other job's i've had since leaving uni (now 12 months - this is the root cause of my existential terror at the moment - and counting), and a bit better paid.
Here's some thoughts coming your way everyone, i'm feeling guilty again for my distance.
Grr, my PC fried my hard drive yesterday, time to go shopping again!

Here's some thoughts coming your way everyone, i'm feeling guilty again for my distance.

Grr, my PC fried my hard drive yesterday, time to go shopping again!

I have the oddest taste in music ever. I mean how can you be excited beyond belief by 'Sometimes' and then furiously headbanging to the 'back in black'...ah well I don't know and to be honest I don't really care!
I am just too sucked into the whole music thing!
Hope you enjoyed Spank.
You look seriously good in a dress btw
take care