Mnah mnah! Do doo do doo do!
Man, i'm i'll. I'm getting delirious at work with a bunged up nose after waking up this morning and getting as nose bleed as soon as i sat up in bed.
After my determination to get a job last week I actually had a bone thrown to me last Friday in the form of a job I applied to 2 months ago! Gahhh! Anyway, I had the interview Monday and it went excellently, I could justify all the criteria, tick all boxes and gab on for ages about how great I was, plus everyone was super nice and happy. Prob is, being the council they had 'internal' applications, now this maybe in the interests of fairness and legality but isn't the process of advertising a job for legal requirements without the intention of actually taking the people applying seriously a complete cnut?? Unfortunately I work for the council and hear these stories all too often but all the same when i happens to you you can't but feel nihilistic. Anyway, i gave a cracking interview and theres a possible temp job avaliable so not all is lost.
Last Friday, after cutting my working day short, myself and the beloved October hopped on the inevitably late Wint Express and made the trip to London for SGUK chin wagging. All the usual suspects were present, although it was sad to see the beautiful nickysonic in such a fragile state, (I know things will work out good for you).
After an evening of sheer randomness in conversation, Tubesound and Tigerpig being the main instigators and being dazzled as ever by the bright crimson shade of Pearlbass's lipstick it was back to Kinto's for fine wine and great conversation. That man would be a saint, if he were not so immoral!
Saturday was spent wilting in the heat and lying for hours in Green park just trying to cope with it. A welcome pint with a smaller gathering of SGUK people was the plan for the evening, less expected for my knackered legs was an extended jaunt around central London led by Ciel, Partiallyblind, Farqueue and Creamygoodness, tiring even myself and October's Bristol legs.
Sunday came and it was goodbye the the ever-so-accomodating Kinto and back on the Wint Express to Bristol, and to be honest a more relaxing and fun coach ride I have never had.
At Bristol we couldn't even face a 5 min walk and had to retire to the pub for a swift half before attemping 'Park Street' which belies its name in being a huge sodding hill. Anyway all said and done, a fine weekend, little done but who cares, i need my rest, not that it has helped.
Frickin cold!
Edit: Today i'm dead with flu so someone please send me a nurse of sorts!

Man, i'm i'll. I'm getting delirious at work with a bunged up nose after waking up this morning and getting as nose bleed as soon as i sat up in bed.

After my determination to get a job last week I actually had a bone thrown to me last Friday in the form of a job I applied to 2 months ago! Gahhh! Anyway, I had the interview Monday and it went excellently, I could justify all the criteria, tick all boxes and gab on for ages about how great I was, plus everyone was super nice and happy. Prob is, being the council they had 'internal' applications, now this maybe in the interests of fairness and legality but isn't the process of advertising a job for legal requirements without the intention of actually taking the people applying seriously a complete cnut?? Unfortunately I work for the council and hear these stories all too often but all the same when i happens to you you can't but feel nihilistic. Anyway, i gave a cracking interview and theres a possible temp job avaliable so not all is lost.

Last Friday, after cutting my working day short, myself and the beloved October hopped on the inevitably late Wint Express and made the trip to London for SGUK chin wagging. All the usual suspects were present, although it was sad to see the beautiful nickysonic in such a fragile state, (I know things will work out good for you).
After an evening of sheer randomness in conversation, Tubesound and Tigerpig being the main instigators and being dazzled as ever by the bright crimson shade of Pearlbass's lipstick it was back to Kinto's for fine wine and great conversation. That man would be a saint, if he were not so immoral!

Saturday was spent wilting in the heat and lying for hours in Green park just trying to cope with it. A welcome pint with a smaller gathering of SGUK people was the plan for the evening, less expected for my knackered legs was an extended jaunt around central London led by Ciel, Partiallyblind, Farqueue and Creamygoodness, tiring even myself and October's Bristol legs.
Sunday came and it was goodbye the the ever-so-accomodating Kinto and back on the Wint Express to Bristol, and to be honest a more relaxing and fun coach ride I have never had.

Edit: Today i'm dead with flu so someone please send me a nurse of sorts!

Fabric was wikkid!... my new favorite place!
You should have come!