Isn't love convoluted? And never easy? Hmm, my logical brain and my emotional brain fighting a'la Kirk and Spock over the intricacies. It's all fine now. Its when lying staring into each others eyes that all the complications that stood between you and the person of your affections are made meaningless. Such as it is.
We want to be the same as we are and we are always becoming different. We have to decieve ourselves better than anyone else because the infidelity we fear most is change. We are ahead of ourselves with our eyes closed; as though death is waiting there to let us down.
So when we commit ourselves to anyone we are being imperious with time, absurdly possesive of it. To behave like this you have to be convinced of something. Adam Phillips

We want to be the same as we are and we are always becoming different. We have to decieve ourselves better than anyone else because the infidelity we fear most is change. We are ahead of ourselves with our eyes closed; as though death is waiting there to let us down.
So when we commit ourselves to anyone we are being imperious with time, absurdly possesive of it. To behave like this you have to be convinced of something. Adam Phillips

Tetsuo? *braincramp* Have you seen Body Hammer? 

Being a bartender here in the US can be pretty low. However, I do live in California, and being a bartender here in California is a good thing. It's good money! Besides, I'm still in school and don't plan on bartending when I'm finished. Take it easy dude!