Whew, what a packed and fulfilling few days! My life is spinning like crazy, to make a shite metaphor. Basically I have had 4 different jobs since last Monday and now I am doing 2 completely new jobs! One for the council and another in a particulary suitable 'alternative' bar . Problem is, that turns out to be 52 hours a week earning, so there are definite drawbacks, the big one being the fact that my club job is potentially going to keep me up until 4am, possibly having to work at 9am in the morning, after a 9-5 shift the day before. Ulp.
Even worse is the fact that I have to bail out of next week's SGUK meet in Cardiff! Firstly because of cash probs and secondly beacause of said job at the club. Aww shite...
Apart from that, and my first time back behind a bar for 3 years (fun actually) the weekend was rather cool. One of my favorite people, Pearlbass came to visit and although she arrived last, much fun was had, including seeing the most one sided fight in history. Chav v's bouncer (actually the chav started it) It wasn't pretty, and some poor guy got his car mashed by said furious chav, trying to prove his 'hardness', rightly he got knocked out cold by the bouncer. (Nonchalance on the side of authority!!!!!)
Strolling round Bristol on Sunday, myself and Pearlbass did see a huge biker convoy, very impressive, makes me want a motor of some description, i can do the beard, maybe not the attitude.
How far do you travel to work, and how long does it take you?
Just that this matter is pissing me off at the moment.

Even worse is the fact that I have to bail out of next week's SGUK meet in Cardiff! Firstly because of cash probs and secondly beacause of said job at the club. Aww shite...

Apart from that, and my first time back behind a bar for 3 years (fun actually) the weekend was rather cool. One of my favorite people, Pearlbass came to visit and although she arrived last, much fun was had, including seeing the most one sided fight in history. Chav v's bouncer (actually the chav started it) It wasn't pretty, and some poor guy got his car mashed by said furious chav, trying to prove his 'hardness', rightly he got knocked out cold by the bouncer. (Nonchalance on the side of authority!!!!!)
Strolling round Bristol on Sunday, myself and Pearlbass did see a huge biker convoy, very impressive, makes me want a motor of some description, i can do the beard, maybe not the attitude.

How far do you travel to work, and how long does it take you?
Just that this matter is pissing me off at the moment.
About two miles, from the downs to Broadmead. It takes about 25 minutes, slightly quicker if I drive but I tey and avoid doing that.
Yay a West Country boy, yes we are all mad down here, its the Radon gas