Long week the last one was. Started another temp job, saw the love of my life leave, made much headway in compensating for the moving away of such a beautiful person by carrying on and starting to get all warm and fuzzy about another utterly amazing person (she knows who she is) fickle I am, terrible ain't it?
But the thing that pisses me off is that i'm still the monkey on the job hunting treadmill.
Got serious thoughts about arranging a SGUK meet-up around the Von Bondies gig in Bristol on April 20th, a good thing i think. Lets hope the interest is there...
But the thing that pisses me off is that i'm still the monkey on the job hunting treadmill.
Got serious thoughts about arranging a SGUK meet-up around the Von Bondies gig in Bristol on April 20th, a good thing i think. Lets hope the interest is there...