TODAY: Nonchalance Confessional.
Read an inspiring quote today; "The object of all art is peace." If so what do this mean for the frenzied activity and desperation of SG? Hmmm, well thats my opinion anyway... Did give me an interesting view on what I have grown to like though. Everything ihave come to listen to has got that kind of 'peace' quality to it, i'm really into catharsis at the moment, just really contemplative music like Spiritualized, Squarepusher, Spacemen 3 and Brian Eno, the less lyrics the better, I really find the idea of people speaking for how i feel quite off putting. This is weird as 'alternative' to most people on this site probably means metal, industrial or punk, i have a load of punk and stuff but i haven't listened to it for ages (save for the Motorhead i put on today), I really love hearing metal and punk when i'm out, but wouldn't put it on at home, i guess i'm just getting old.
Interesting statement thats been rattling around in my head since i read it on an Earl Brutus record
"Pop music is wasted on the young"
I don't agree with the statement at face value but i love the ironic meaning (being that Earl Brutus are a load of middle aged men who played electroglampubrock for young people), that pop music (any genre you like) is FOR the young, thats the marketing demographic, thats where all the naive sentiment and revolutionary earnest emerges from, yes i'm defnitely getting old, i stopped buying the music press years ago, don't complain that the NME is shite, music is cyclical, the same thing will be sold to the next generation ad infinitum, originality is a myth.
Well, I've had a week to contemplate telling the girl i love that i love her and I think I can deal with it, we met for lunch the other day and everything went smoothly, smoothly as in nothing happened and we can both sit in the same room talking without either bursting into tears and getting all tragic (me) or shouting about the whole thing being unreasonable (her). Hmm, maybe the future will bring us closer, but for now, its just NOT going to happen. (I can but hope though).
This just leaves me to contemplate the immediate issues, namely, getting a proper job, i am definitely quitting temping this week, i just am completely sick of the tedium. But where to go and what to do? The fanatical narcissistic side of my personality just can't find a job 'good' enough for me, while the humble side of me just stays quiet and offers no guidance, I just want to get out of this 2-bit city and onto a bigger 2-big city or 2-bit country even, the UK just bores me beyond belief, I dream of continental piazza culture and intellectual conversation instead of endless weekends spent getting hammered and then doing sod all. I want to be constructive, gaah!!
I know i sound like a borgeoius prick for saying all that but thats the price of an education! From council estate romanticising politicised pikey to wine-bar-frequenting, Guardian reading, poncey tea drinking, haw-hawing, friends on every continent seducing, feckless nouveax-intelligent culture snob, and all in 4 years!
I must remember when my dad said not to let my head disappear up my arse!
x Nonchalance x
Read an inspiring quote today; "The object of all art is peace." If so what do this mean for the frenzied activity and desperation of SG? Hmmm, well thats my opinion anyway... Did give me an interesting view on what I have grown to like though. Everything ihave come to listen to has got that kind of 'peace' quality to it, i'm really into catharsis at the moment, just really contemplative music like Spiritualized, Squarepusher, Spacemen 3 and Brian Eno, the less lyrics the better, I really find the idea of people speaking for how i feel quite off putting. This is weird as 'alternative' to most people on this site probably means metal, industrial or punk, i have a load of punk and stuff but i haven't listened to it for ages (save for the Motorhead i put on today), I really love hearing metal and punk when i'm out, but wouldn't put it on at home, i guess i'm just getting old.
Interesting statement thats been rattling around in my head since i read it on an Earl Brutus record
"Pop music is wasted on the young"
I don't agree with the statement at face value but i love the ironic meaning (being that Earl Brutus are a load of middle aged men who played electroglampubrock for young people), that pop music (any genre you like) is FOR the young, thats the marketing demographic, thats where all the naive sentiment and revolutionary earnest emerges from, yes i'm defnitely getting old, i stopped buying the music press years ago, don't complain that the NME is shite, music is cyclical, the same thing will be sold to the next generation ad infinitum, originality is a myth.
Well, I've had a week to contemplate telling the girl i love that i love her and I think I can deal with it, we met for lunch the other day and everything went smoothly, smoothly as in nothing happened and we can both sit in the same room talking without either bursting into tears and getting all tragic (me) or shouting about the whole thing being unreasonable (her). Hmm, maybe the future will bring us closer, but for now, its just NOT going to happen. (I can but hope though).
This just leaves me to contemplate the immediate issues, namely, getting a proper job, i am definitely quitting temping this week, i just am completely sick of the tedium. But where to go and what to do? The fanatical narcissistic side of my personality just can't find a job 'good' enough for me, while the humble side of me just stays quiet and offers no guidance, I just want to get out of this 2-bit city and onto a bigger 2-big city or 2-bit country even, the UK just bores me beyond belief, I dream of continental piazza culture and intellectual conversation instead of endless weekends spent getting hammered and then doing sod all. I want to be constructive, gaah!!
I know i sound like a borgeoius prick for saying all that but thats the price of an education! From council estate romanticising politicised pikey to wine-bar-frequenting, Guardian reading, poncey tea drinking, haw-hawing, friends on every continent seducing, feckless nouveax-intelligent culture snob, and all in 4 years!
I must remember when my dad said not to let my head disappear up my arse!

x Nonchalance x
Apart from the nice bums.